Ethos and Values

At Wansdyke, we will endeavour to:

Ethos and values logo


  • Provide an inspirational curriculum for all our pupils.
  • Provide Knowledge, skills and experiences which will be remembered.
  • Ignite passion, excitement and a love of learning for our pupils,through our curriculum content.


  • Teach children tolerance, respectand celebrateall forms of difference.
  • Allow children to workcooperatively with a range of different pupilsin the school.
  • Teach children to understandand enact thefundamental British values.
  • Provide opportunities for all pupils to develop and grow, taking into account individual needs.


  • Provide a safe, happy and caring environmentwhere children are treated fairly.
  • Teach children about how to stay physically and mentally healthy, including forming healthy relationships through PSHE and RSE.
  • Educating children about how we can better care for our local environment and the world.


  • Explain to children about the importance of charity, communityand helping each other.
  • Educate children to value mistakes and see them as an opportunity to improve.
  • Provide feedback to our pupils to help them develop and learn.
  • Listen to pupil’s views and concerns,and act upon these.


  • Ensure success in mastering the knowledge and skills in academic subjects within the curriculum.
  • Provide success for pupils in mastering increasingly complex knowledge and skills within creative subjects.
  • Develop a positive attitude to school and learningin all our learners.
  • Always recognise and reward hard work, effort and achievement inall our pupils.


  • Help children to develop initiative, helping themsolve problems on their own.
  • Help children assess and take appropriate risks.
  • Provide children with life skills essential for their future.


  • Enable pupils to overcome adversity and develop grit.
  • Foster a high level of self-esteem and self-confidencein all our pupils.
  • To teach our pupils to embrace and relish challenge and struggle.


  • Pupils develop their own informed thoughts and opinions on moral issues, with a strong sense of what is right, what is fair and what is just.
  • Provide the skills for pupils to be successful communicators and learners.
  • Support pupils to develop their own personal interests and talents.
  • Become active and positive members of our community and wider society.
  • Prepare children with the skills, including technology, necessary in their future.


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School Aims 03rd Dec 2020 Download