Home Learning

Our beliefs about Home Learning are:

  • Children benefit from completing regular Home Learning.
  • Children who complete Home Learning regularly are far more likely to achieve the expected standard in their learning.
  • Home Learning should be completed independently by the child, with some help and guidance when necessary from parents.
  • Children do better when parents take an interest in their child’s Home Learning
  • Home Learning should be manageable, accessible and consistent.
  • Home Learning should increase in quantity, up to Year 6.
  • Home Learning should focus predominantly on the basic skills of the year group objectives within the National Curriculum.
  • Home Learning should be reviewed if a child is not benefiting from the work at home, or it is having a negative impact on a child’s attitude towards learning.
  • Home Learning should be acknowledged by the class teacher.
  • Pupils should be rewarded for completing Home learning to a high standard

Our approach to Home Learning:

We feel that the most beneficial support parents can provide is through reinforcing the basic requirements within each year group in the core subjects. By doing this, we are reducing the chance of parents having to ‘teach’ concepts to their children. Some of the homework set can
be completed independently for the pupils, such as Professor Assessor and Spelladrome.
This will hopefully reduce the need for parents to guide children through every element of
their Home Learning.

Learning will be distributed on a Friday and collected in by Wednesday. This gives children the opportunity to attempt the activities over the weekend whilst concepts are fresh in their mind.
It also means pupils have an opportunity to speak to a teacher if there is an element they do not understand on Monday and Tuesday.

If it has not been convenient to complete Home Learning over the weekend, an extension can be given by the teacher. A note will excuse a child from completing their Home Learning. Ideally, children who miss the home learning being handed out on a Friday will try and complete a portion of their Home Learning before Wednesday.

All children will have access to Home Learning that is relevant to their current stage of learning.
If parents feel the Home Learning does not cater for their child, please speak to the class teacher.

It is our expectation that Home Learning will be completed carefully and returned on time. Teachers will offer opportunities through the week to provide support for children to help them with any Home Learning that is confusing or difficult for children to complete. Where Home Learning is frequently missing or not completed, late or of poor quality, the children’s parents or carers will be contacted by the class teacher.

Teachers will review all the Home Learning that is handed in. This might include a comment, question or an initial. Pupils who produce Home Learning of a high standard may be awarded a house point or similar reward.