Further Assessments

Pupil Progress Meetings

  • Pupil progress meetings will be held in terms 2, 3 and 6.
  • Teachers will be asked to complete an analysis of their classes’ data to support the discussions within this meeting. Actions are then raised where pupils are found not
    to be making expected progress.

Foundation Subjects

  • Skills mastered in foundation subjects by children are, highlighted (in the class colour)
    if 80% are secure.
  • As a school, we are trialing pre and post-assessment tasks to support the assessment of these subjects to support judgements made by lesson observations and book scrutinies.

Early Years

  • For Baseline assessment, we use ‘Early Excellence’.
  • This builds on the requirements of the EYFS statutory framework, providing continuity of current approaches. Within the first 6 weeks, the EYFS baseline is completed and a report is produced in November, outlining the current attainment and analysis of the cohort. This information will be used to inform future practice.
  • Observations throughout the year are recorded using the 2Simple software on the iPads. This allows the teaching staff to make observations and reference these against the EYFS statutory framework, informing areas for enhancement in the cohort. These are shared periodically with parents.

Statutory Testing

  • At the end of year 2 and 6, the children carry out national assessment tests and tasks in Reading, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar as well as Mathematics.
  • In year 1 pupils complete the phonics screening test. These results are presented within the Raise Online report which is used to analyse whole school data and identify objectives for school improvement.

Special Educational Needs and the Complex Needs Resource Base

  • The children accessing the Complex Needs Resource base are regularly assessed through observation and the ongoing support they need.
  • For children working below the National Curriculum expectations, progress is recorded using a system called PIVATS which breaks the P Scales down into smaller sections. PIVATS helps the class teachers to recognise children’s achievements in small steps. This information is used to track closely the progress that children are making across the academic year and a Key Stage. The analysis of the children’s progress is shared with staff and governors.

Reporting to Parents

  • Annual reports are sent home to parents towards the end of the summer term and targets for future learning are identified.
  • We hold 2 Individual parents’ evenings a year and an open evening. Each teacher informs parents of what the curriculum will entail in each subject area, each term.
  • We adopt an open-door policy to parents and welcome and invite parents in to discuss their child’s progress or any concerns at any reasonable time. The children in the Complex Needs Resource Base also have annual reviews of SEN or more regularly according to individual needs and situations.

At Wansdyke, we have taken the approach to measure the attainment of a child against the curriculum objectives for each year group. We have created a tracking system that plots out each year group’s objectives as a percentage. Children who master objectives within the curriculum contribute towards the percentage of the objectives achieved. Whilst this is a work in progress, it is helping to plot out the levels of attainment and progress in the different cohorts.